Thursday took me back to my 4-H days as Amy Lu and I had craft day! Amy suggested it awhile back and I was instantly on board. She had found a couple of fun projects that seemed simple enough.
Our first project was to make coasters using scrapbook paper and tiles. It was fairly simple and super cheap to make too. I will definitely be making these again! They could make a fun little gift.
Our second craft was not quite as successful as the first one. The idea was to make yarn balloons. A good idea in theory, but once we got started, I was ready to be done! I was a sticky mess from dipping the yarn in our glue solution and it wasn’t looking very pretty. I let the project dry overnight and popped the balloon and it seems to stay in place, but rookie mistake is probably that I made it too big and should have used more yarn.
Today my life has been consumed by…summer school planning...dum, dum, dum! I feel like my summer is officially over! Monday is the beginning of three weeks of teaching summer school and then it’s back to school time. I like summer school because it gets me back in the school mode but is only half days. I don’t like that it means regular school is just around the corner. I am still trying to figure out where summer has gone? I have been busy planning and obsessed with some new teacher blogs I found. I am getting some great ideas for word work activities and hopefully some other activities that will keep kids excited for summer school. There is a lot to before Monday!
I couldn’t resist…Bella was sleeping in between the couch cushions.
One final picture I took tonight. I love flowers and taking pictures of them and this one turned out awesome!
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