

Bert and Ernie. 


As a little girl growing up in rural Ashland, Nebraska, I had big dreams.  Not to be crowned Miss America, or to win a gold medal at the Olympics as a gymnast (which did both top the list at one point) but to own a goldfish.  However, no matter how many times I asked, the answer was always no.  So I went to extremes to create an imaginary pet goldfish.  Yup.  I filled a plastic baggie with water, gently placed a Cheeto inside and tied the bag.  Inside, was my pet “goldfish.”  My soggy friend didn’t last long and had to be replaced often, but I was satisfied with my creation.

Slightly lame, I know.  I never thought too much of it until I shared the story with some of my friends at Bible study.  Since that time, the story has come up again and again.  I have no idea how many people they have shared this story with!  They think it is hilarious. 

And that leads us to Bert and Ernie.  On Wednesday, I got an e-mail from the school secretary saying I had a “special delivery.”  As I walked into the office, there sitting on the counter was a fish bowl with two goldfish happily swimming around.  In my head I thought, this can’t be it, it just can’t!  But then I knew it was and exactly who it was from.  So the fish spent the rest of the week at school in room 111.  The kids were pumped, I was nervous of my abilities to keep them alive.

Today, I stopped at school to feed them only to discover that Bert had passed on.  I don’t know what I did wrong, but I am a goldfish caretaking failure.  No wonder the answer was always no.  I brought Ernie home so he wouldn’t be lonely.  Currently he and Bella are getting acquainted.  There will be no leaving the two of them alone.  Bella is getting a little too close for my comfort.


May Bert rest in peace...hopefully Ernie will grace us with his presence for quite some time!  Thanks Jen, Jenna and Jessie for bringing them into my life.  My childhood dream is now complete!

{The Launes}

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