

Summer is winding down quicker than I can squeeze in all of my summer to-dos’s.  Friday night we made  a last minute decision to go to Okoboji for the weekend…my favorite lake to go to!  However, if you  know me at all, I am not spontaneous.  First I panicked a little and then decided that there won’t be many more summer weekends so we should just go.  So Saturday morning we packed our bags and jumped in the car to make the four hour drive. 

Trent’s aunt and uncle have an amazing “cabin” out there that they so graciously let us stay at.  It is a very modern house, and beautiful on the inside.  It’s fun to watch boats creep up in front of their house, point and chat about it, snap a picture and then take off!  


The weekend included…DSC02005Napping in the hammock…

DSC02008Playing on the jet skis…

DSC02024Soaking in some sun…

DSC02025Beautiful views…

DSC02015A delicious dinner…

DSC02017Pondering life…

DSC02027More fun in the sun…

DSC02028Sister in-law love…

DSC02029Time spent with family…

DSC02033And a man on a boat…


But, all good things must come to an end. 

Now, it is officially August.  That means one more week of summer school!

{The Launes}


  1. Megs...when I was in Okoboji we pointed at "that" house and talked about it! ha. Looks like ya had fun! Good job!

  2. Looks like a lovely time! I love weekends on the lake :)
